About Us - Deccan Herald
Deccan Herald classifieds has one of the simplest ways to book your news paper advertisements.
There are 2 types of classifieds ads.
Text classifieds ads – These ads are ordinary text ads appear in simple normal text
format which you can type in the box provided by us. For more visibility you can
choose from ordinary text (RW), Bold (BW), 5 types of color background to choose
from to highlight your advertisement in the print edition. You can also use options
in the eye catchers to be more different from the rest of the advertisements.
Classifieds display ads – These are more prominent and stand out from the normal
texts. These can be black and white or color, with images and pictures, company
logo, and also different style can be used while composing the advertisement.
There are 4 simple ways to book your advertisements;
1. Choose a category
2. Choose a publication
3. Compose
4. Confirm & pay
Book your news paper advertisement by choosing first the main category and then
the sub-category. Some of the main categories are Automobile, Business, Matrimonial,
Job Opportunity, Real Estate Properties and Rental Properties to choose from.
Payment is only through online options either by Credit and Debit card.